Monday September 9th 2024 11:35:35 AM, GMT + 3
Osaühing Artime Consulting
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Police/ military agents

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Biotechnology satellites terrorism and political careers. Vladimir Putin's end


PLN 33.59 (83.40 on paper)


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  • 978-9949-30-043-3
  • 370
    Pages (A4)
  • 218 MB (228,877,481 bytes)
    PDF file size
  • 5766bb5e3a315a7f0cc7ac94defc53f2
    md5 value

DVD supplement to
ISBN 978-9949-30-043-3


PLN 41.99

Contents / md5's

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  • 978-9949-30-584-1
  • -----
    Pages (A4)
  • -----
    PDF file size
  • -----
    md5 value

European Court of Human Rights (1)


PLN 17.55 (45.90 on paper)


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  • 978-9949-30-058-7
  • 202
    Pages (A4)
  • 520 MB (546,118,658 bytes)
    PDF file size
  • 86181530c334d9cabd6c1d8279c87bb7
    md5 value

European Court of Human Rights (2)


PLN 16.8 (43.80 on paper)


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  • 978-9949-30-059-4
  • 196
    Pages (A4)
  • 207 MB (217,990,728 bytes)
    PDF file size
  • 7545caa234f5d805a46e51331145cf70
    md5 value

Outgoing messages (1)


PLN 17.55 (45.90 on paper)


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  • 978-9949-30-574-2
  • 236
    Pages (A4)
  • 78.4 MB (82,265,890 bytes)
    PDF file size
  • 730ea8850cad0315dfd8749d98535cb8
    md5 value

Outgoing messages (2)


PLN 20.74 (54.20 on paper)


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  • 978-9949-30-575-9
  • 302
    Pages (A4)
  • 74.8 MB (78,475,182 bytes)
    PDF file size
  • 0efe02574e7aa823aab90aeefebc452d
    md5 value

Diaries. Parts 1, 2 and 3 sold together. Excellent material!


PLN 23.35

Details and purchase
  • May 3rd 2013 - December 31 2013
    From - To
  • 978-9949-81-231-8
  • 217
    Pages (A4)
  • January 1st 2014 - October 27 2014
    From - To
  • 978-9949-81-232-5
  • 169
    Pages (A4)
  • October 27 2014 - July 10 2016
    From - To
  • 978-9949-81-233-2
  • 299
    Pages (A4)
  • 230 MB (241,702,005 bytes)
    PDF file size
  • a0eea743fc1783e1e8cfe697e8c3bd7e
    md5 value
9/14/2018 recordings in a Vienna clinic: how a CIA group (French police - Cornell University - Vatican) is infecting with diseases - denying medical assistance (for example: falsifying examination results in a Paris hospital) - blocking money (e.g.: needed for treatment):

Аудиозаписи (9/14/2018) в венской клинике: группа ЦРУ (французская полиция - Корнельский университет - Ватикан) заражает болезнями - отказывает в медицинской помощи (например, фальсификацией результатов лабтестов в парижской больнице) - блокирует деньги (включая те, которые необходимы для лечения):

Grabaciones en una clínica el 9/14/2018: CIA (policía francesa - Universidad de Cornell - Vaticano) está infectando enfermedades - negando atención médica (falsificando resultados de laboratorio en un hospital de París, por ejemplo) - bloqueando dinero (incluso el necesario para tratamiento):


November 21st, 2014


9:32 am


Krakow, Poland. Corner of Karmelicka and Rajska Streets


Incident description:

Bakery used for CIA - MIT experiments: satellite nuclear/laser attacks on brain, laptop illegally hacked by the Polish police (an extra layer added to Mozilla Firefox web-browser, which allows them to insert subliminal messages, alter/ edit/ erase text in real time regime). Above photo is only one of numerous instances: in the section "Latest News", letter sent to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas contains additional images and descriptions. Cubans (connected with the ongoing civil war in Syria and the French military) (I know some of them personally) are using (possibly) French military satellites to carry out such torture. I was slightly assaulted by police-protected member of French paramilitary group recently.


April 23th, 2014




Corner of Wroclawska and Aleja Kijowska, Krakow, Poland


Incident description:

Two men in uniforms with "Paratroopers" chevrons walked by, one mentioned "suplicio"; my brain under severe satellite attack, several Polish police cars driving by. Paramilitary activists throughout the day suggested ongoing NATO operation (Copenhagen's Christiania), photos available.


April 19th, 2014




Corner of ul. Kopernika and ul. Foksal, Warsaw, Poland



Incident description:

Jews walking by in couples provokingly ("to try stopping us/Israel from helping ourselves to public funds is equivalent to threatening with the end of the world, because you are a Catholic fanatic"), as brain subject to nonstop satellite laser/nuclear attacks. Two policemen (man behind the wheel sipping water from bottle, woman on passenger seat) harassing (HPZ B489).
Operation possibly coordinated real-time from Paris by a captain (2003) of the French antiterrorist brigade (who used the impeachment attempt of President William Clinton and was very likely involved in the Queiq river massacre, see "You tube section"). Later in the night, French-speaking individuals walking by/ attacking brain, Polish-speaking man hinted at bid to cause a heart attack as part of a "program".


March 11 - 26, 2014




Tallinn: old city wall next to Goethe Institute; other




Incident description:

Vicious and brutal satellite onslaught on brain with repeated participation of uniformed policemen and military personnel. This "suplicio" ("torment" in Spanish) is coordinated in real-time regime from France (Paris); it has been thus stated by several torturers. Cubans involved, some were (1980's)/are high-level members of the Cuban Communist Party.
Space nuclear weapons implemented (not just lasers). Moscow State University Physics Department targeted, possibly as decoy by the Cornell University group.
Military threats of detonating a car-bomb should not be taken lightly: evidence of French police and military implication in such deadly attacks (in several countries) available.

Sent to United Nations Representations in Geneva during the "Geneva II" talks:

Single-Judge decision by the ECHR/ Окончательное решение единоличного судьи ЕСПЧ/ Decision final de un Magistrado Unico de la CEDH:


I seguenti messaggi e-mail sono stati inviati a avvocati negli Stati Uniti, Russia ed Estonia (1, 2), e a rappresentanze permanenti presso le Nazioni Unite (3, immagini allegate). Criminali militari francesi ostacolano il traffico internet e interferiscono con serveri che contengono informazioni vitale; forse la ministro italiana della Difesa si è riferita a questa situazione de ostaggio como a "laboratori per esperimenti militari reciprocamente concordati."

Per favore, non esitate a suggerire un altro studio legale in Italia con la esperienza necessaria. Si può chiamare o inviare un sms a qualsiasi di questi numeri:

00372-545-858-08, 007-903-623-3532



Application to the European Court of Human Rights (165 color pages), which was mailed on November 18th, 2013 with attached DVD, may be downloaded from:
(Solicitud a la Corte Europea de Derechos Humanos (165 paginas en color), enviada el 18 de Noviembre del 2013 con un DVD adjunto, se puede descargar desde:)
(Заявление в Европейский Суд по Правам Человека (165 цветных страниц), отослано 18 ого Ноявря 2013 ого года с приложенным DVD, можно скачать по ссылкам:)

Updated additional information (including illustrations of uniformed Estonian policemen's participation in CIA extraterritorial operation) can be found at:
(Informacion actualizada (que incluye ilustraciones de la participacion de policias estonos uniformados en una operacion extreterritorial de la CIA) se encuentra en:)
(Свежие сведения, включая иллюстрацию участия эстонской полиции в операции ЦРУ на территории Эстонии:)

On December 19th satellite attacks on brain by French paramilitaries continue.
(19 de diciembre: ataques al cerebro por satelite continuan. Son paramilitares franceses.)
(19 декабря: спутниковые атаки на мозг французскими полу-военными по-прежнему продолжаются.)

Thank you for your assistance.
(Gracias por su ayuda.)
(Спасибо за поддерку.)


Between 2004 and 2009 three former schoolmates, one from University of South Florida, the others from Cornell University, were "accidentally" met in Paris, photos and videos available. The latter two took part indirectly in French police/military preparations of (2010 - 2013) assassinations/massacres in Syria and attacks on Russian civilians.
In the summer of 2001 two Syrian men "happened to be working at a convenience store" near the house where I was staying in New Port Richey, Florida. This US military covert operation (Afghanistan) has been further developed in Estonia.
Below text was sent to Office of Inspector General (OIG)/U.S. Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors. There might be no precedent for bringing biotechnology terrorists to court. No private/state/international institution should have the right to intercept/ block these emails.)

…. Theoretically not only the European Court of Human Rights should have jurisdiction since attacks on civilian aircraft (in some cases US civilians have been killed) have occurred, always with the participation of French citizens affiliated with paramilitary organizations involved in right-wing state-sponsored programs (e.g.: legalization and immigration, foreign military bases). French police-supported operations centered on the October 31st 1999 “crash” of the Egypt Air flight 990 were caught on camera in Paris during Nicolas Sarkozy’s terms as President and Minister of Interior; other related mass murders are about to surface.

In Dublin, Ireland (year 2000) and in Neuilly sur Seine (~2005) individuals suggested the CIA is involved in international terrorism based in France (Paris), which counts with the support of well-organized French labor and political movements (including opposite parties). A look-alike of an American agent named Darryl Davis was seen in the Cuban embassy in Paris, for certain in the context of the preparations of the NATO invasion of Libya, North- South Korean relations and the election of Nicolas Zarkozy (as understood later). Towards the end of the Soviet Union I was a Cuban student in Leningrad, mass privatizations and the convergence of US – Russian large political capitals are bound to the use of advanced Space weapons by former security agents –turned politicians (who in reality were never communists) to promote private monopolies and “democracy”. From 1993 to 1999, from three US university campuses (University of South Florida, Cornell University, MIT) and the Hopkinton HQ of a US multinational (EMC Co), I witnessed preparations of mass killings/ selective assassinations of US citizens, in which the US Department of State was involved (as understood later). I have tried to convey to the US Supreme Court, the ACLU branches of Arizona/ New York/ Louisiana (and Angela Davis) the dangers of current implementation of Space nuclear/bio technology for nonstop torture and the arrangement of possible future ethnic mass murders. If current Syrian President must be tried for war crimes, so should be US University professors that were involved in the orchestration of the 2000 political transition in Damascus and more.

Concrete information at your disposal.


There have been suggestions of a connection between the trial at the International Criminal Court's Special Tribunal for Lebanon and denounced assassination of Hariri's financial adviser. It could be that the individuals, (as if) caught on video planting evidence in the mass murder depicted at the bottom of "News 0", are involved (Dresden 1999 - 2000 operation).

Satellite nuclear attacks on brain by Neuilly sur Seine military activists continue. Uniformed Estonian policemen are taking active part in EMC Co- coordinated biotechnology harassment; for example a policeman driving van with registration number 382 BKZ, at around 18:00 hours local time, on January 27, 2014. Such systematic torture appears to be organized from Paris - Tel Aviv (The Sirena Project, Warsaw).

url's for "News 0":

"" is the email address of the Chechen President's cabinet.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Jan 29, 2014 5:24 AM
Subject: Fwd: French military gangsters keep coordinating from France extremely brutal satellite attacks on brain. Again Estonian uniformed policemen participating. All individuals in attached images implicated in torture (which includes nonstop mp3 player interference).
To: ""

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Jan 29, 2014 5:23 AM
Subject: Fwd: French military gangsters keep coordinating from France extremely brutal satellite attacks on brain. Again Estonian uniformed policemen participating. All individuals in attached images implicated in torture (which includes nonstop mp3 player interference).
To: ""

Вот это кто. Операцию проводят военные бандиты из парижа путём спутников. Среди них есть V. E. R.. Будьте осторожны.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Jan 17, 2014 3:29 PM
Subject: Fwd: French military gangsters keep coordinating from France extremely brutal satellite attacks on brain. Again Estonian uniformed policemen participating. All individuals in attached images implicated in torture (which includes nonstop mp3 player interference).
To: "" ,

It is very important that you receive the correct information about what these extreme right police garbage is doing in/from Estonia

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Jan 17, 2014 3:20 PM
Subject: French military gangsters keep coordinating from France extremely brutal satellite attacks on brain. Again Estonian uniformed policemen participating. All individuals in attached images implicated in torture (which includes nonstop mp3 player interference).


Email subject:
“French military gangsters keep coordinating from France extremely brutal satellite attacks on brain. Again Estonian uniformed policemen participating. All individuals in attached images implicated in torture (which includes nonstop mp3 player interference).“









Partial image available.

Incident description:

Russian-speaking couple picked me up while I was walking from Saviranna to Maardu. The woman claimed being originally from Russia, sent to Estonia after university graduation and got out on the border of Maardu (hinting at an invasion). The man went on to drive me to the center of Tallinn and acknowledged working for the police, after I had related what the military had done to my car. Dialogue excerpt:

- "You should write a report with the police; if it is found that some police officers are involved in things like that, they will be immediately fired." -He.
- "Yes, I could take them to court, but that would take time." - Me.
- "Time and money!" - He.









Incident description:
